Buying affordable rural land may be your best bet for a solid, long-term investment. Right now is the time to get in on incredible deals, especially on large acreage parcels and prime lake parcels.
What types of land do you offer for sale?
National Land Partners offers land rich in beauty. Enjoy a waterfront view, mountain top retreat or log cabin with lake access. We listen carefully to your desires and needs and then our expert Land Consultants help determine what land is best suited to fulfill your vision.
Is there a time frame to build?
None of our properties come with a time frame restriction. Build according to your own timeframe.
Do you provide recent surveys of your land for sale?
Engineers survey every property, ensuring that each parcel is properly and accurately marked for your thorough inspection. Survey maps are available for each property.
Do you provide reasonable access to your properties?
Every parcel sold by National Land Partners fronts a state, town, county or private road, which provides access to every buyer.
Do you offer Warranty Deeds?
You cannot buy better protection. With this instrument, the seller guarantees to you that the title to your land is free of any past, present or future entanglements and further promises to refund your purchase price, plus damages, should the title to your property prove to be of fault. All National Land Partners properties offer a warranty deed.
Do you offer bank financing?
Even if you don’t need financing, it is reassuring to know that a bank has appraised the property and approved each and every parcel for up to 90% financing. Most National Land Partners' properties offer this financing.
Do you have title insurance?
Title insurance provides additional protection against title flaws. All National Land Partners properties are title insured before purchase. Each parcel can be re-insured in your name should you desire that protection.
Do you have a professional, knowledgeable staff?
Our professional staff is well versed in all facets of land management. Zoning, taxes, building codes, deed restrictions, and comparable properties are just the beginning. All of your queries will be satisfied in an effort to help you make the best educated decision for your land purchase.